Saturday 25 April 2020

V is for Vaccinations

Thank you to animal charity the RSPCA for this information:

Cat vaccinations help to protect your pets from severe infectious diseases. It also prevents them from passing anything nasty on to other animals in the area. Vaccinating your kitten is one of the most important things you should do in your first few weeks as a cat owner.

When should kittens be vaccinated?
To help protect kittens they'll need two sets of vaccinations to get them started. Kittens should have their first set of vaccinations at nine weeks old and at three months old they should receive the second set to boost their immune system. After this, kittens and cats usually need 'booster' vaccinations every twelve months.

Until your kitten is fully vaccinated (and neutered), you should keep him or her inside.

What diseases can vaccinations protect against?
Cats are commonly vaccinated against:
Cat flu (feline herpes virus and feline calicivirus)
Feline infectious enteritis
Feline leukaemia virus
Your vet can advise which vaccinations your cat or kitten will need to help protect them from infectious diseases.

Who can vaccinate my kitten?
When you get your kitten, one of the first things you should do is register them with a local vet who will be able to carry out the vaccinations your kitten needs.

How long are vaccinations effective for?
Some vaccines are given as booster injections every year. Your vet will provide you with a vaccination record which you will need to keep safe.

My sassy, grumpy cat Toffee is also taking part in the A to Z Challenge. Take a look here:

*     *     *     *     *     *    *
If you are a cat lover - especially a lover of the grumpier members of the species, this is the book for you. Written by Toffee who, despite her name, is the least sweet cat you can imagine. The world according to Toffee exists to serve her and woe betide anyone who forgets it. Paperback on left, Kindle version on right.


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Friday 24 April 2020

U is for Urban Cat Shelter

In most cities there are populations of feral cats. They often live troubled lives, facing danger, illness and starvation.

Now a man has invented the world's first cat shelter powered by Artificial Intelligence. Wan Xi, a computer engineer from Beijing in China, has created a temperature-controlled shelter that provides cats with food and water.

Cat lover Wan XI came up with the idea because he was concerned about the city's stray cat population. 

'At first, I just wanted to provide them with a warm place in winter with food and water that is not frozen,' Mr Xi told China Morning Daily. But after working with a team of animal welfare experts he came up with a more sophisticated design. 

With intelligent temperature and humidity control, as well as a ventilation system, the AI cat shelter provides a comfortable place for stray cats, providing fresh air and a constant temperature of 27 degrees Celsius, the ideal temperature for cats. Abundant food and water is provided and volunteers constantly refill the bowls.

The shelter claims it is able to identify 174 types of cat while flagging-up possible diseases via a smart camera. The sophisticated equipment can spot conditions like  gingivostomatitis, feline herpesvirus (FHV), and skin problems. It can also tell whether a cat has been sterilized. This data is then sent to nearby volunteers who can provide better help to these cats in need.

My sassy, grumpy cat Toffee is also taking part in the A to Z Challenge. Take a look here:

*     *     *     *     *     *    *
If you are a cat lover - especially a lover of the grumpier members of the species, this is the book for you. Written by Toffee who, despite her name, is the least sweet cat you can imagine. The world according to Toffee exists to serve her and woe betide anyone who forgets it. Paperback on left, Kindle version on right.


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Thursday 23 April 2020

T is for Thief

THEY seek him here, they seek him there but there's always a wily cat burglar evading capture - because cats like to steal.

These feline felons often take a fancy to particular types of items and then set about stealing them, be it food items, socks, shoe laces, underwear, toys, plants or boxes.

They then pile them up under beds, sofas or cupboards, any where you can't easily reach them.

So why do these kleptomaniac kats act in they way they do? They could be using stealing as a tactic for attention or they could merely be following their hunting instincts and regard the items as prey.

Cats need stimulation so if your feline friend is exhibiting stealing behaviour that is excessive or troublesome, try playing with them more and buying or making them more stimulating toys. Don't punish them or discipline them because they won't understand and in their eyes they are doing nothing wrong. You will only end up alienating their affection.

Another reason  could be that your cat is not satisfied with his food or eating schedule. Cats in the wild will eat periodically throughout the day but this is difficult if you have to go out to work. Cats in the wild will sometimes bury their food so they can eat it later. When cats steal and hide items, they may be mimicking this food-related behaviour.

My sassy, grumpy cat Toffee is also taking part in the A to Z Challenge. Take a look here:

*     *     *     *     *     *    *
If you are a cat lover - especially a lover of the grumpier members of the species, this is the book for you. Written by Toffee who, despite her name, is the least sweet cat you can imagine. The world according to Toffee exists to serve her and woe betide anyone who forgets it. Paperback on left, Kindle version on right.


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Wednesday 22 April 2020

S is for Sugar

Chocolate for you is fine but don't feed it to your cat

WHY do our carnivore cats turn up their noses at chocolate bars but wait expectantly by their bowls for chicken chunks?

Bears, who are technically carnivores, would probably snaffle down a chocolate bar or two, given half a chance, especially if they contained honey. The difference is that cats do not have sweet-taste receptors on their tongues but bears do.

Never feed chocolate to your cat, it is harmful to them. Read this post for a list of harmful items: Household Products That Can Harm Your Cat

Domestic cats aren’t the only carnivores to have no taste for sweet things. Their close relative the Asiatic lion is another. Now researchers from the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia, USA, have discovered other species that lack the sweet receptor.

Researchers studied 12 species of carnivores and analyzed their taste-receptor genes to see if cats were the only ones that lacked the sweet taste receptor.

Of these the bottle-nosed dolphin, the sea lion, the fur seal, the Pacific harbor seal, the Asian otter, the spotted hyena, the fossa and the banded linsang also lacked the sweet-taste receptor.

The dolphin has even lost the ability to taste bitter substances, and has very few taste buds in general.

Sugars are carbohydrates but if your diet is practically all meat, there’s no need to keep the receptor intact.

My sassy, grumpy cat Toffee is also taking part in the A to Z Challenge. Take a look here:

*     *     *     *     *     *    *
If you are a cat lover - especially a lover of the grumpier members of the species, this is the book for you. Written by Toffee who, despite her name, is the least sweet cat you can imagine. The world according to Toffee exists to serve her and woe betide anyone who forgets it. Paperback on left, Kindle version on right.


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Tuesday 21 April 2020

R is for Rats

OH RATS! Who's come to play with me today?

Rats in Colombia have been trained to sniff out landmines. More than 100,000 mines are believed to have been buried by leftist rebels in the country.

Rats have proved to be experts at finding the mines - but there was a problem. The rodents were taught to freeze in front of mines, but had difficulty staying put for fear of being attacked by predators.

Bringing them face to face with their natural enemy, the cat, allowed them to stay more focused once they were released, said veterinarian Luisa Mendez, who worked with the animals.

“Here the cats play with the rats instead of attacking them,” Mendez said. “The cats wear shields on their nails so they can’t cause any injuries and as a result the rats feel comfortable playing around them.”

Col Javier Cifuentes, who oversees the project, said the rats’ success rate in mine detection was 96%. Unlike dogs, the rats weigh a lot less and therefore don’t trigger explosions.

Colombia is home to the world’s largest number of land mine victims.

My sassy, grumpy cat Toffee is also taking part in the A to Z Challenge. Take a look here: 
*     *     *     *     *     *    *
If you are a cat lover - especially a lover of the grumpier members of the species, this is the book for you. Written by Toffee who, despite her name, is the least sweet cat you can imagine. The world according to Toffee exists to serve her and woe betide anyone who forgets it. Paperback on left, Kindle version on right.


Monday 20 April 2020

Q is for Quotes

Cats have inspired many quotes about their unique characters - not all of them flattering!

There are those that emphasise their almost mystical qualities, like:

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.” – Albert Schweitzer

How we behave toward cats here below determines our status in heaven.” – Robert A. Heinlein

Then there are those affectionate ones:

I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul.” – Jean Cocteau

Just watching my cats can make me happy.” – Paula Cole

You can not look at a sleeping cat and feel tense.” – Jane Pauley

Then there are my favourite quotes, obviously written by people who seem to have a great insight into the feline psyche!

"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
"My cat is not insane; she’s just a really good actress." P.C. Cast
"The way to get on with a cat is to treat it as an equal – or even better, as the superior it knows itself to be." Elizabeth Peters
"Cats can work out mathematically the exact place to sit that will cause most inconvenience." Pam Brown
"Dogs come when they’re called; cats take a message and get back to you later." Mary Bly
"My cats inspire me daily. They inspire me to get a dog!" Greg Curtis
"After scolding one’s cat one looks into its face and is seized by the ugly suspicion that it understood every word. And has filed it for reference." Charlotte Gray
"Cats’ hearing apparatus is built to allow the hooman voice to easily go in one ear and out the other."  Stephen Baker
"When my cats aren’t happy, I’m not happy. Not because I care about their mood but because I know they’re just sitting there thinking up ways to get even." Percy Bysshe Shelley
"A cat isn’t fussy – just so long as you remember he likes his milk in the shallow, rose-patterned saucer and his fish on the blue plate. From which he will take it, and eat it off the floor." Arthur Bridges
One final thought:
"There is, incidentally, no way of talking about cats that enables one to come off as a sane person." Dan Greenberg

 *     *     *     *     *    *
If you are a cat lover - especially a lover of the grumpier members of the species, this is the book for you. Written by Toffee who, despite her name, is the least sweet cat you can imagine. The world according to Toffee exists to serve her and woe betide anyone who forgets it. Paperback on left, Kindle version on right.


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Saturday 18 April 2020

P is Paw Pals

 Children in Scotland have been asked to write letters to the animals in an Aberdeen shelter in a scheme called Paw Pals.

The animal sanctuary, Mrs Murray's Home for Stray Cats and Dogs, asked children who are at home during the coronavirus pandemic to write a letter or a poem for the four-legged residents or to create some artwork.

Centre manager Marie Simpson said: “With the lockdown situation and children at home, we understand many of them will be trying to keep up with their home schooling.

“We thought this would be a fun way for them to interact with the animals while also practising their English and art.
“It’s been a bit bleak since we’ve closed to the public and the pictures are a nice way to brighten up their kennels.
“We also thought this would be a way to get kids thinking about the welfare of the animals that aren’t in homes right now. They’re showing compassion for them.
“It’s also good for us to get the animals involved and keep spirits high.”

One letter to Diesel, a five-year-old Akita, read: “You are the cutest thing ever and my granny has a black Labrador called Bailey. We might come see you soon, Diesel. Bailey is 10-years-old like me. I am a huge dog-lover and I can’t wait to see you.”

Mrs Murray’s has been forced to suspend rehoming for the foreseeable future due to the ongoing pandemic and has asked the public not to visit the centre in person.

Letters, poems and drawings can be posted to Mrs Murray’s Cat and Dog Home, Brickfield, East Seaton, Aberdeen, AB24 1XL or emailed to

My sassy, grumpy cat Toffee is also taking part in the A to Z Challenge. Take a look here:

*     *     *     *     *     *    *
If you are a cat lover - especially a lover of the grumpier members of the species, this is the book for you. Written by Toffee who, despite her name, is the least sweet cat you can imagine. The world according to Toffee exists to serve her and woe betide anyone who forgets it. Paperback on left, Kindle version on right.


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Friday 17 April 2020

O is for Owners of Cats

This is the life of a cat owner. They never like what you think they'll like, they never react like you think they will react and they never do what you think they are going to do!

I found this on the internet - I can't claim to have written it but it really struck a chord.

The Life of a Cat Owner

1. Lovingly caressing your cat's belly until it suddenly thanks you by clawing your arm to mince.

2. Wondering how you can ever thank your cat for its precious gift of a freshly decapitated pigeon delivered straight to your pillow.

3. Coming home to find someone has coughed up what appears to be Donald Trump's hair on your carpet.

4. Never being quite sure if your cat likes you, or it's trying to work out the best way to conquer and then eat you.

5. Attempting to read a newspaper while your cat sets about trying to destroy it using only its head.

6. Remembering the days when you woke up to an alarm clock rather than being repeatedly punched in the face.

7. Injuring your spine by sleeping in an S shape because your cat has commandeered the middle of the duvet.

8. Knowing that if you collapsed your cat would spring into action to use your body as a bed.

9. Spending mega bucks on new toys only for them to be snubbed in favour of a screwed up piece of paper and an old cardboard box.

10. Returning home from holiday and fearing your cat will never acknowledge your existence again.

My sassy, grumpy cat Toffee, who epitomises the above, is also taking part in the A to Z Challenge. Take a look here:

*     *     *     *     *     *    *
If you are a cat lover - especially a lover of the grumpier members of the species, this is the book for you. Written by Toffee who, despite her name, is the least sweet cat you can imagine. The world according to Toffee exists to serve her and woe betide anyone who forgets it. Paperback on left, Kindle version on right.


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*Take a look at The Best Cat Products In The World. You'll love them!

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Thursday 16 April 2020

Neutering is Necessary

Getting your cat neutered before it can breed is an essential part of responsible cat ownership. Cats are very effective breeders and the number of kittens they produce increases in line with the amount of food and shelter available. Without neutering, the cat population can quickly get out of control.
Overpopulation increases feline infectious disease, stress-related disease, feline conflict and compromises cats’ welfare.
What is neutering?
• A female cat is spayed – her ovaries and uterus (womb) – are removed
• A male cat is castrated – his testicles are removed
Kittens should be neutered at around four months or younger – although your cat can be neutered at any age. Neutering also prevents some cancers and infections, reduces straying, fighting and spraying.
Why neuter?
Neutering has many health benefits, as well as helping to reduce the number of unwanted cats.
Unneutered male cats are more likely to end up injured or catch diseases from fighting. They travel many miles in search of unneutered females, risking road accidents and injury. They will spray smelly urine to mark territory and attract females.
As neutered male cats are less likely to roam it reduces the risk of them contracting serious diseases such as Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) or Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV)
Unneutered female cats frequently become pregnant from the age of four months and will often have litters of kittens three times a year. This adds to the overpopulation problem and increases costs for the owner, especially if there are complications during pregnancy or birth. They will call and wail every three weeks during the breeding season to attract a mate, until they become pregnant. They are more likely to contract diseases spread through sexual contact and mating behaviour
If they are neutered they are unable to develop cancer of the ovaries or uterus. They are also at greatly reduced risk of developing mammary cancer – especially if neutered early.
Cats are very resilient and stoical and usually recover very quickly from the operation. Your vet will advise on the best care for your cat as he or she recovers.
Your cat will require much less food after neutering, as his or her body has less work to do, so you will probably need to monitor your cat’s weight and reduce the amount of food provided to prevent your cat from becoming too fat.

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Wednesday 15 April 2020

M is for Meals

Top tips for feeding cats from animal charity the RSPCA:
  • Without drinking water, your cat could become severely ill within hours. Give your cat constant access to clean drinking water.
    Note: Cow’s milk is not a substitute for water.
  • Cats need a well-balanced, meat-based diet to stay fit and healthy - they cannot be vegetarian. They are obligate carnivores. In very simple terms, this means that cats require meat in their diet. They have specific nutrient needs that can only be supplied through the ingestion of animal meat.
  • Make sure your cat eats a balanced diet  that is suitable for their age, health status and lifestyle.
  • Most typical human food does not meet the nutritional needs of cats, and some human foods can even be poisonous to cats, e.g. onions. [Here's a post I wrote earlier about household items that are poisonous to cats.]
  • Cats naturally eat several small meals per day. Make sure you feed your cat every day and try to split their daily intake into several small meals (unless advised otherwise by your vet).
  • How much your cat needs to eat depends on their age, lifestyle and health. 
  • Always read and follow the feeding instructions that relate to the cat food you buy.
  • If a cat eats more food than they need they will become overweight and may suffer. Equally, if a cat is eating too little, they will become underweight. Adjust the amount of food according to the needs of your cat.
  • If you provide a litter tray, make sure their food and water positioned well away from it. Most cats will not eat if their food is placed too close to their toilet site.
  • Talk to a vet if your cat’s eating and drinking habits change - it could be a sign they’re ill.

My sassy, grumpy cat Toffee is also taking part in the A to Z Challenge. Take a look here:

*     *     *     *     *     *    *
If you are a cat lover - especially a lover of the grumpier members of the species, this is the book for you. Written by Toffee who, despite her name, is the least sweet cat you can imagine. The world according to Toffee exists to serve her and woe betide anyone who forgets it. Paperback on left, Kindle version on right.


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Tuesday 14 April 2020

L is for Cat Language

Cats may not be able to talk but they still have many ways of communicating with humans and with each other.

They have many ways of communicating with you, from the look in their eye and the tone of their sounds to the position of their ears and the twitch of their tail.

When it comes to vocalising, you can soon get to know what they are trying to say by their chirps and meows. They can tell you when they're hungry, when they want a cuddle and if they're feeling threatened or are in pain.

Purring is usually a sign of contentment. Cats purr whenever they're happy but sometimes a  cat may purr for other reasons. See this previous post: Inappropriate Purring

Growling, hissing or spitting indicate a cat who is annoyed, frightened, angry or aggressive. Leave this cat alone.

A yowl or howl tells you your cat is in some kind of distress. Find your cat if they're making this noise. However, in unneutered and unspayed cats, these sounds can be part of mating behaviour.

Chattering, chittering or twittering are the noises your cat makes when they're sitting in the window watching birds or squirrels. Some experts think that this is an exaggeration of the "killing bite," when a cat grabs their prey by the neck.

When it comes to body language, your cat has it down to a fine art. Does your cat arch their back up to meet your hand when you pet them? This means they're enjoying this contact with you. Do they shrink away under your slightest touch? Save the petting for later: they're not interested right now.
Pay attention to your cat's eyes, ears, body and tail—they're all telling the story.

Here are a few more clues.

Ears forward: alert, interested or happy.

Ears backward, sideways, or flat: irritable, angry or frightened

Eyes with pupils constricted: offensively aggressive, but, conversely, they could be content. You can see which by their body language.

Eyes with pupils dilated: nervous or submissive (if somewhat dilated), defensively aggressive (if fully dilated), but possibly playful - again,  judge which by their body language.

Tail erect, fur flat: alert, inquisitive or happy

Fur standing on end: angry or frightened

Tail held very low or tucked between legs: insecure or anxious

Tail thrashing back and forth: agitated. The faster the tail, the angrier the cat

Tail straight up, quivering: excited, really happy. If your cat hasn't been neutered or spayed, they could be getting ready to spray something.

Back arched, fur standing on end: frightened or angry

Back arched, fur flat: welcoming your touch

Lying on back, purring: very relaxed

Lying on back, growling: upset and ready to strike

When your cat rubs their chin and body against you they are marking their territory - another way of telling you they love you!

My sassy, grumpy cat Toffee is also taking part in the A to Z Challenge. Take a look here: 

*     *     *     *     *     *    *
If you are a cat lover - especially a lover of the grumpier members of the species, this is the book for you. Written by Toffee who, despite her name, is the least sweet cat you can imagine. The world according to Toffee exists to serve her and woe betide anyone who forgets it. Paperback on left, Kindle version on right.


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*Take a look at The Best Cat Products In The World. You'll love them!

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Monday 13 April 2020

K is For Kneading

Kneading - or 'making biscuits' as it is sometimes known - is  uniquely feline behaviour. It is that thing they do when they push in and out with their paws, just like a baker kneading dough.

They always knead on a soft object like a cushion, a pile of laundry - or you! - and are usually contentedly purring as they carry out this rhythmic motion.

It is an instinctive action and is probably because as kittens they kneaded their mothers to stimulate the flow of milk. Cats find it comforting.

Another theory is that it goes back to the days when wild cats patted down tall vegetation like grass to make a soft bed to sleep on or to give birth.

Also, cats have scent glands in the soft pads on the bottoms of their paws. When they knead, some of their unique scent is released and serves as a territorial marker.
 So when your cat is kneading your lap, he’s not only telling you he feels comfortable and secure, but he’s claiming you as his own.

My sassy, grumpy cat Toffee is also taking part in the A to Z Challenge. Take a look here: 

*     *     *     *     *     *    *
If you are a cat lover - especially a lover of the grumpier members of the species, this is the book for you. Written by Toffee who, despite her name, is the least sweet cat you can imagine. The world according to Toffee exists to serve her and woe betide anyone who forgets it. Paperback on left, Kindle version on right.


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*Take a look at The Best Cat Products In The World. You'll love them!

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Saturday 11 April 2020

J is for Jokes

Just in case any of you need cheering up, I have gathered together a selection of funny (or groan-inducing, depending on your point of view!) jokes. If you have any you want to share, post them in the comments and let's all have a laugh during these troubled times. Stay strong and stay safe.

  • A cat was playing poker with his friend at the zoo. Half way through the game he threw down the cards and said, "I'm not playing with you any more." "Why not?" asked his friend. "Because you're a cheetah," he replied.
  • Did you hear about the cat who swallowed a ball of wool? She had mittens.
  • A man accidentally left a door open and let his neighbour's cat loose. The cat disappeared. He felt bad about this and when the cat had been missing for quite some time, said to the neighbour: "I feel awful, I'd like to replace your cat for you." The neighbour replied: "Great. How good are you at catching mice?"
  • A mother mouse and a baby mouse are walking along when suddenly a cat attacks them. The mother mouse shouts “BARK!” and the cat runs away. “See?” the mother mouse says to her baby. “Now do you see why it’s important to learn a foreign language?”
  • One day a kitten was playing rather boisterously and got his tail caught in a door, losing most of it. His mother picked him up by the scruff of his neck and ran out of door and took him to a shop. "What shop is this?" asked the little kitten. His mother replied, "It's the re-tail store, silly." 
  • A mother cat intervened when her two kittens were fighting. She boxed them round the ears with her paw and shouted, "Stop that you two!" which they did. "Now hiss and make up!"
  • Cats always get their own way and do you know why? It's because they are so purr-suasive.

My sassy, grumpy cat Toffee is also taking part in the A to Z Challenge. Take a look here: 

*     *     *     *     *     *    *
If you are a cat lover - especially a lover of the grumpier members of the species, this is the book for you. Written by Toffee who, despite her name, is the least sweet cat you can imagine. The world according to Toffee exists to serve her and woe betide anyone who forgets it. Paperback on left, Kindle version on right.


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Friday 10 April 2020

I is for Iconic Movie Cats

I'm a sucker for a movie with a cat in it - except those thrillers and horror films where you fear the featured cat is going to come to a sticky end. Hate those. But there have been some great films featuring cats and here are my favourites:

Breakfast at Tiffany's: The lovely ginger cat (pictured above) in Breakfast At Tiffany's is described as “poor slob without a name” by Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn). The cat who took the role (called Orangey) is one of the most famous cat actors of all time. He also starred in the film Rhubarb, Rhubarb as the cat who inherited a baseball team. His amazing credit said: “Introducing the newest addition to Hollywood’s great galaxy of stars—that dynamic, exciting, scintillating personality RHUBARB (by special arrangement with the S.P.C.A.).  His film roles didn't stop there. He also appeared in The Comedy of Terrors and was a guest in Batman and My Favorite Martian.

Floyd with Patrick Swayze

Ghost: Floyd is the name of the cat in Ghost. I couldn't find his real name. After Sam (Patrick Swayze) is killed, he tries to warn wife Molly (Demi Moore) that she’s in danger. He realizes that their tabby, Floyd, can still sense him, so when his killer (Rick Aviles) breaks into their apartment, Sam screams at Floyd. The cat jumps at the killer, scaring him off, and saving the day.

Mr Bigglesworth

Austin Powers: SGC Belfry Ted Nude-Gent is the wonderful real life name of the Sphynx cat in the Austin Powers franchise. He plays Mr Bigglesworth, Dr Evil's hairless pet. Along with Dr Evil, Mr Bigglesworth was forced into a hasty escape in a cryogenic capsule. All of his hair fell out during the process making him completely bald.

Bob and his real life owner James Bowen

A Street Cat Named Bob:  This is a real story based on the book of the same name with Bob playing himself. Drug addict busker James Bowen found the injured cat curled up in the hallway of his sheltered accommodation and took him in. Bob repaid his kindness a thousandfold.  Bob, dressed in his usual red scarf attended the film’s London premiere where he met Prince William and Katherine. I wrote a post about the film back in 2016, see HERE.

Marlon Brando and the stray cat

The Godfather: Don Corleone’s cat in The Godfather was a stray tabby who frequently roamed the Paramount set. He was spotted by director Francis Ford Coppola who put the cat in Marlon Brando's hands without warning.  Brando, always the improviser, made the cat a crucial part of the scene. However, the cat’s purring drowned out some of Brando’s sotto voce dialogue, which had to be re-dubbed.

The evil Blofeld (Donald Pleasance) with his cat

From Russia with Love: Who can forget the evil Blofeld stroking his gorgeous white Angora cat as he confronts James Bond? Blofeld appeared in several Bond films but to my mind the original and the best was Donald Pleasence. The cat also graced the laps of Charles Gray, Telly Savalas, and Max Von Sydow.

Hayley Mills and that darn cat!

That Darn Cat: The Randall sisters, Patti (Hayley Mills) and Ingrid (Dorothy Provine), never have a dull moment, thanks to the antics of D.C., their trouble-making Siamese cat. When D.C. wanders into an apartment where bank teller Margaret Miller (Grayson Hall) is being held hostage, the clever captive writes "help" on her watchband and attaches it to the cat. Upon finding the message, Patti and Ingrid contact the FBI, and soon agent Zeke Kelso (Dean Jones) is there to investigate.

If you are a film buff, take a look at this blog for some great movie posts:

My sassy, grumpy cat Toffee is also taking part in the A to Z Challenge. Take a look here:  She's written a book. Have a quick look at it HERE.  If you are a cat lover - especially a lover of the grumpier members of the species, this is the book for you. Written by Toffee who, despite her name, is the least sweet cat you can imagine. The world according to Toffee exists to serve her and woe betide anyone who forgets it

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If you are a cat lover - especially a lover of the grumpier members of the species, this is the book for you. Written by Toffee who, despite her name, is the least sweet cat you can imagine. The world according to Toffee exists to serve her and woe betide anyone who forgets it. Paperback on left, Kindle version on right.