Tuesday 22 March 2016

Cat Burglar Brigit

OH, Brigit, what have you been up to? The pretty little Siamese cross Burmese moggie has a dark secret - by night she is a cat burglar, roaming around the neighbourhood to steal men's underwear and socks.

In just two months Brigit, aged six, has nicked dozens of boxer briefs and 60 socks. Her owner Sarah Nathan, from Hamilton in New Zealand, found the swag when she was began packing up to move house.

Now Sarah is trying to find the owners of the stolen goods, putting letters through her neighbours' doors asking: "Are you missing underwear?"  She went on to apologise for Brigit's nefarious activities and said she would return all the booty.

The letter finished: "You'll be pleased to know we are moving."

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  1. I'm always amazed by such behavior. Unfortunately, my beloved cat Luna liked to snag local wildlife in her prime. The worst had to be a baby bunny. On the other end of the spectrum, seeing her carry a harmless garter snake across the yard and trip with every other step while I puzzled over the site is a fond memory (the snake slithered away seemingly unharmed, a definitely deciding factor in my attitude).

    1. My husband and I were once sitting indoors when we heard an almighty screaming. We rushed out to see what it was and our cat had caught a young rabbit. I never knew they made such a noise. Anyway, with a little intervention from us, the rabbit ran off.

  2. A likely story. The cat did it? Sure...

    1. Ha, ha. Who knows? We only have the owner's word for it!

  3. I saw that on the news this morning- that is funny.

    1. It made me laugh! Cats can be such little tinkers sometimes!

  4. Ok considering my name is Birgit ( think of "get beer".....bier-git), I am sad to see I almost share a name with this pussy cat. She obviously loves the men and their aromas.....ewwwww

    1. Ha, ha. I should hope that you aren't in the habit of pinching men's under garments!

  5. I hope they were swiped off the washing lines and not anywhere else.

  6. Oh, my. Cats are mysterious creatures, for sure. Hugs.

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