Tuesday 28 November 2017

Dog Saves Cat's Life

Zephyr meets his saviour Harlie.

A LITTLE black and white kitten's eyesight was saved thanks to help from a Great Dane dog. 

Eight-week-old Zephyr was found with three siblings under a shed in Liverpool in the UK. They had flu which had led to secondary pneumonia, horrific conjunctivitis with ulcerated eyes, ticks and severe flea infestation leading to anaemia and dehydration. Sadly one the kittens died. Two of them, Zouse and Zee, responded well to eye drops but Zephyr didn't. It was feared he would go blind.

So vets used a new technique to save his sight, treating him with serum drops made from elements of Great Dane Harlie's blood. The blood was separated using a centrifuge with the liquid part made into drops which help the surface of the eye to heal and stop tissue breaking down.

Steph Taylor of the Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary said: “The serum from Harlie was fairly unusual for us to use and we have never done it before. There are several types of conventional medicated drops and we used these first but as Zephyr was not responding to these, our vet suggested it.

Harlie’s owner Jess Parr, 30, said she wanted to help after seeing an appeal. She said: “I love cats and would love to have one, if I didn’t have four dogs."
Zephyr: On the mend.

Now Zephyr is on the road to recovery and has been introduced to Harlie. Jess  said: “We were a bit worried about how Harlie would react to Zephyr. She has never met a cat in person, except for the one next door that walks up and down the garden fence just out of reach,  taunting her.

“Harlie is a big clumsy dog but when she was with Zephyr she was so gentle, it was almost like her maternal instinct kicked in."
Zephyr will be rehomed with his two brothers Zouse and Zee next weekend.
Harlie, Zephyr and Steph.

Take a look at the book below - written by Toffee, the sassiest cat in the world!

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  1. It's amazing what they can do.

  2. Lovely story, incredible they can make a serum from a dog to cure a cat!

  3. Fabulous! This made me smile. Thank you.

  4. Wonderful news. I would have thought they'd use cat blood serum to treat a cat. Interesting that dog serum works for cats....I guess it doesn't trigger antibody production.


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